Kapan hari ada resep Makaroni Panggang yang cara masaknya so simple. Cuma kayak bikin spagetti seperti biasa, paling-paling tahapan tambahannya adalah tahap peng-oven-an thok.
Bahan-bahan sudah siap, tinggal nunggu semangat masakku. Why is that so? Coz kadang waktu memasak dan waktu nyantapnya nggak imbang. Persiapan dan masak 1 jam, makannya cuma 30 menit beres, hyaaaaa..
Skip back ladies, do you mind letting me talk a lot about my cooking? It'll be called...
200 gr Macaroni
200 gr BBQ Spagetti Sauce
100 gr Chili Sauce
Leek, chop it
Garlic, chop it
Cheese (it should be mozarella cheese, but I don't have it)
Vegetable oil
How to:
- Boil the macaroni for about 5 minutes, leave it.
- Heat the oil and put the leek and garlic.
- Then, add some chili and BBQ sauce and also salt.
- Taste it, when you find it is OK, put the macaroni into the sauce, stir it well.
- Turn off the stove and pour the macaroni into the pan.
- Pour some grinded cheese on it.
- Baked the macaroni for about 25-30 minutes.
- Serve it and enjoy the meal :)